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Ensuring a suitable airflow for the operation of solid fuel, oil or gas-fired heating appliances is an essential requirement as set out in Building Regulations Approved Document J: Combustion appliances and fuel storage systems, 2010 Edition. It is not sufficient to rely on air leakage around doors and windows, particularly with the need to conform to increasingly stringent legislation for reducing heat loss and the consequent requirement for double glazing and draught proofing.
A fixed window vent or an appropriately located airbrick of the correct size will provide a simple and adequate source of permanent ventilation for open-flued heating systems.
Cold roof voids and suspended ground floor voids also require permanent ventilation to prevent conditions leading to the rotting of the building fabric through the build-up of condensation. Gable ended roofs can benefit from permanent through-ventilation by the simple insertion of an airbrick (and cavity liner where appropriate) in each gable.
Cavity Liners are used in conjunction with airbricks, to bridge the depth of the wall, where necessary.
The airbricks can be used internally or externally in the construction of housing and commercial projects.
Terracotta airbricks can complement the external finish of a property and will weather well with the surrounding brickwork.

Cavity Liner

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